2021: The Year Of Harvest & The Rise Of The Feminine Energy
As we embrace 2021 many are wondering what 2021 will hold for us all. Last year I predicted that the seeds you sow into the 5 key pillars of your life (mental and emotional, spiritual, financial, physical and relationships), whether positively or negatively, may have a strong bearing on the rest of the decade.
For example if you had invested in Bitcoin 6 months ago (financial pillar) your portfolio would have quadrupled by now. We have been looking at the Crypto Space now for some time and finally have arrived at a plan for our members that may offer them the opportunity to invest in this space.
Have you made a list of New Year Resolutions or have you ditched all of that replacing it with creating a new refined vision of your life along with matching goals? Here’s a video I did which explains why setting goals is the worst thing you could ever do.
Click the image below to watch the full video
Almost exactly one year ago I received a call from one of our members who shared a dream that she had received during the night. Receiving that message and taking immediate and decisive action ahead of an impending danger now known as COVID-19 many were enabled within our community to experience our best year ever. If you missed the last blog which puts this all into perspective click here
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