Your Grow Personal Success (GPS) Thinking System
Are you Happy with your life?
Did you know that the quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life?
Think about that for a moment.
According to the National Science Foundation the average person has between 12,000 – 60,000 thoughts every single day.
That’s a whole lot of thinking going on every single day, 24/7, 365 days of the year.
But what’s really interesting is that for the untrained mind 80% of these thoughts are negative thoughts. Thought’s like: “I am not good enough”, “I don’t have the right qualifications”, “I am not smart because I did not have a good education”, “I don’t have enough capital to start my business”, “I have a criminal record so I’ll never be able to get a good job”, you get the idea.
What’s even more incredible is that 95% of your thoughts are repetitive, which means that you’re literally running a loop of negative thoughts over and over in your mind. That leaves only 5% of your thoughts on a daily basis that are geared towards your growth and your personal vision of success.
Shocking right?
So imagine if I was able to show you a technique that would allow you to grow that 5% to 6%, 7%, 8%, 9% or even 10%. Imagine what that would do to your world and to your life, it would completely begin to transform, literally.
Sounds incredible and impossible right? However it is possible and it’s true.
How do I know? Because for almost 30 years I have been developing my Grow Personal Success ‘Thinking’ System and refining it for the last 8 years. Now I am ready to introduce it to you so that you can benefit and redefine your life, like thousands of people all across the UK and beyond that I have had the opportunity to support over the years.
However this launch is timely because we are living in unprecedented times. As we prepare to emerge from Lockdown many are hoping and thinking that things will go back to “normal”, to how they used to be. I believe that this type of thinking is “dead”. We have entered a New Era and this new era requires a new MINDSET, that is if you want to thrive and not just survive.
That’s why I want to introduce to you The Grow Personal Success Thinking System and the short 14 day introduction course which is “The MINDreSET”.
This short course will cause you to begin a “Reality Check” with YOURSELF concerning whether you are “growing” or “receding” in 5 key and important areas of your life:
What’s more, in the “Old paradigm” of thinking people often produced thought patterns that caused them to focus on one area (e.g. financial) denying attention to the others, not realising that all must be given attention if you are to grow holistically. It’s such an obvious truth but yet so many miss this completely until one or all of the neglected areas alert us to an impending danger.
The MINDreSET 14 Day on-line course could and should be considered like a car MoT. Once a year you take your car to get it checked out to ensure that if anything is not working or even just out of alignment it is reset, because you might not notice it.
The MINDreSET 90 day Challenge will allow you to discover and experience much more than just your thinking changing, the transformation begins to take effect at a deeper level. Your belief system begins to alter creating a new sense of possibilities and a new thinking pattern and style begins to emerge. How will you know because you may well experience other people commenting that something about you has changed.
You cannot experience what you cannot conceive.
If you would like to find out more about the Grow Personal Success Thinking System and the MINDreSET on-line introduction course, join me on my forthcoming webinar on Wednesday 21st April 2021 and I’ll tell you all about, breaking it down and I’ll give you real life case studies like “D” who was presented with divorce papers and 7 days to leave the family home. In desperation he took the MINDreSET. Within 14 days he came to a new awareness and adopted a new MINDSET. Today the family is very much still together working as a team.
Miss A who had not been working for 2 years. She decided her MINDSET needed to change and so she made the commitment. Within 30 days she was offered a job in her own words “I received a phone call from someone I knew and they literally offered me a job, I did not have to leave my house or pick up the phone. It’s almost unbelievable but I am getting paid at the end of every month so I know it’s real.”
I’ll even have live testimonials so that you can see that this stuff is real.
This is a new time, this is a new era and we know that it is really important for you to get your MINDSET geared towards your personal vision of success, whatever that may be. Come and join our conscious community.
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