6 Tips To Help Define Your Vision Of Your Future Self
The People You Spend Time With, Are Who You Become
Who Are You Becoming?
Now that’s an interesting question because before you can give an answer you must first have a vision of who you want to become. Sounds so simple right? But only a few people think like this.
I remember being considered a little crazy by some people 40 years ago, when I made myself intentionally homeless in pursuit of my vision of who I wanted to become. I did not have absolute clarity at the time but I was very clear about who I did not want to become based on all that I had witnessed on the council estate I lived on in Battersea, South London for 10 years plus.
In this blog I want to provide you with tips to help you become clearer about who you wish to become because when you begin to gain this level of clarity your life becomes fueled with a power that drives your life forwards.
6 Tips to help you define your vision of your future self and start your (GPS) Grow Personal Success journey
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